With swim suite season upon us I wanted to talk a little more about body waxing. We have discussed bikini and Brazilian waxing extensively, but what about the rest of your body?! At Stripped we offer head to toe waxing (literally we will wax the hair on your toes). One of the most asked about services is leg waxing. We offer two services for legs a half leg that can be from hip to knee or from the knee down for $45. (this includes both legs) We also have a full leg wax that includes both legs from hip to toes for $70. If you see any service on our menu that says SOUTH that refers to full legs.
Stripped also offers services for men. The most popular are chest, full back and stomach services. Remember if we offer it for women we offer it for men. We have a few clients that will get waxed before large tattoos, so the artist doesn’t have to shave the hair. This makes the tattoo healing process much easier. For ANY waxing to be done we ask that you do not shave or remove the hair in the area for at least THREE weeks. The longer you allow the hair to grow in these areas the better results you can achieve.
We now carry some AWESOME bath mitts to help you exfoliate the larger body areas. I know you are all loving the smaller SpaCells for your face and Brazilian exfoliation because I can’t keep them in stock. The larger Bath Mitt version is perfect for exfoliating your WHOLE body! Even if you are not waxing your whole body these mitts are great for exfoliating before spray tanning. If you are currently using a bath loofah throw it away and purchase a Bath Mitt. The loofah WILL grow bacteria in a very short amount of time, because of its design it can never get completely dry. The Bath Mitt will last forever because it is antimicrobial and antibacterial. We have them in Pink and Black and they retail for $32. The average loofah is around $3, if you bought one per month as recommended you would be spending $36 a year!


If you have any questions about waxing or the exfoliation mitts please leave a comment, or email me at office@strippedwaxing.com
xoxo, Kaleigh

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