Exfoliate! Exfoliate! Exfoliate!

Today’s blog topic is exfoliation if you didn’t already know. We have people ask all the time what is exfoliation and why should I do it. So I’m going to go over all the things you need to know about this subject. by definition Exfoliation is the removal of the oldest dead skin cells on the […]
Waxing Contraindications Part Three-Medications and Chemicals
On our final blog about waxing contraindications I want to discuss probably the biggest one we encounter here at the salon. Medications and chemicals. There are so many things that you can take or put on your skin that can cause lifting and scaring. Yes, we do use a hard wax which does typically only […]
Happy 4th of July
Only a few more days until America’s Independence Day celebration! And guess what?? As of TODAY fireworks are legal to purchase in Georgia!!! Make sure you go to a licensed distributor though and not just some guy on the side of the road selling them out of his truck, ok?? You can find a list […]
Baby, it’s HOT outside
Whew!! Man, is it getting hot outside or is it just me?? It’s supposed to get up in the high 90’s by next week!! You know what that means…. BEACH TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you know what that means?? WAX TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, ladies (and gentlemen) no summer beach trip is complete without first getting your wax on! […]