Father’s Day
This Sunday you get to celebrate your favorite father! One of our favorite things to do here at Stripped (besides waxing) is to help our clients find that perfect gift. This Father’s Day we want to help create an experience you can both enjoy! We are going to discuss some great options for creating that […]
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is right around the corner!! We love giving gift ideas to our clients for all manner of occasions and this is one of our favorites! There are so many different ways of showing your mother or mother of your children how much you appreciate her! Flowers are always a good standard but if […]
Gift Giving Part 4
So we’ve covered the macho man, sports fan, and Mr. GQ so far in our quest to give the perfect gift. Today we will discuss the man that geeks out over gaming systems, books, comics, movies, and various other things that may seem odd to you! This guy is typically called a Nerd or a Geek […]