Waxing Contraindications Part One-Acne

We received a question asking if it was okay to wax if you have acne.  And it got us thinking that doing a blog series on different waxing contraindications (or waxing no-nos) would be a great idea to explain why or why not you can not do/take/have certain things and get waxed. Today we are […]

Baby, it’s HOT outside

Whew!! Man, is it getting hot outside or is it just me?? It’s supposed to get up in the high 90’s by next week!!  You know what that means…. BEACH TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you know what that means?? WAX TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, ladies (and gentlemen) no summer beach trip is complete without first getting your wax on! […]

Hair Down There??

Many of you have questions regarding our Bikini and Brazilian waxes and today we are going to (hopefully) answer them all!!  We know that these particular waxes can be stressful and somewhat (read: extremely) awkward for our clients and we would like to ease any discomfort that they might have.  Let’s start with the different […]